Tag: organic clothing

Organic Clothing for Babies Is it Any Good

Organic Clothing for Babies: Is it Any Good?

Organic clothing has slowly become the popular clothing choice for environmentally-conscious babies. Most parents have joined in, believing that non-organic or traditional clothes-mainly because of the chemicals used in the manufacturing process-are too risky for their drool monster (ehm, angel). Because the clothing industry continues to use chemicals in production, chances are the clothes you […]


Organic Wear for the Eco-Friendly Shopper

Organicor environmentally friendly clothing is definitely a popular choice considering our current environmental situation. Apart from preserving the earth,shoppers are buying eco-friendly clothing because they no longer have to sacrifice fashion for philosophy. With some of our favorite brands like Anvil, Devon & Jones, and Hanes going green, there is something for fashionistas of every […]