What Our Customers Are Saying
UltraClub 8886 Unisex Value Drawstring Sport PackPosted:8/23/2013
Ideally you wouldn't need to use eihter of these. Implement Deft, have your view components passed into your controller, and you should be good to go.You should only be updating view items that belong in the view that your controller is controlling, and it should only be accessing the view items to add listeners (Deft takes care of this), or update the view with model changes.
UltraClub 8886 Unisex Value Drawstring Sport PackPosted:8/15/2013
Reviewer:Gonzalez Lee
I like the quality of my ordered bags, I buy 3 for my kids, and they are working well. Nice colors collection and best prices I had ever got, I highly recommend them.