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Fruit Of The Loom Apparel ( Items) sells Fruit of the Loom t-shirts and tank tops at prices that are typically 57-65% below retail prices. T-shirts are available singly or in multi-packs for even lower prices per item. Single items are available in a wide range of color choices; men’s Fruit of the Loom tees and tanks in 12 colors, Boys t-shirts in an incredible 48 color choices, and Fruit of the Loom women’s tees in 24 modern colors. With this range of colors no man or boy is going to fade into the background! All t-shirts and tanks for men and women come in sizes S to 3XL.

All Fruit of the Loom t-shirts come in heavyweight cotton or cotton and polyester, so are perfect for sportswear. Buy multipacks of tees or tanks and customize them with your school, gym or club logo. You can also add text on the front, back or top of the sleeve. The low prices from mean you can add a markup and still give your students or members a great deal on quality personalized shirts. Order can include single items as well as multiple identical items for even better prices. Check out the full range of boys’ vests and women’s athletic pants to complete your outfits.
Brand ReviewsWrite a Review
Fruit Of The Loom 4930 Men 100% Heavy Cotton HD Long-Sleeve T-Shirt
Posted:6/19/2020 12:00:00 AM
Reviewer:Ryan Peters

This long sleeve t-shirt is very comfortable, soft, and fits true to size.

Fruit Of The Loom 3931 Men 100% Heavy Cotton HD T-Shirt
Posted:2/23/2020 10:20:19 PM

It very comfortable.

Fruit Of The Loom 3931 Men 100% Heavy Cotton HD T-Shirt
Posted:7/9/2019 11:38:19 PM
Reviewer:Dana Oldaker

Good product at a great price!