Port Authority Apparel ( Items)
GotApparel.com can supply bulk orders of Port Authority clothing at wholesale prices that are 44-57% less than the retail prices. Port Authority men’s shirts are made from a 55/45 cotton and polyester mixture. You have a choice of up to 27 colors depending on the style you choose and buttons are dyed to match the shirt color. Long-sleeved and short-sleeved men’s shirts are available. Port Authority men’s jackets and vests make a perfect top layer with most styles coming in multiple colors and in sizes from S to 6XL.
GotApparel.com stocks the complete range of Port Authority apparel. For your female employees, well-cut Port Authority women’s polo shirts are a great option for a smart employee outfit they will love. All come in a polyester/cotton material that looks smart and is practical for everyday workwear. Port Authority polos for women come in short-sleeve, ¾ sleeve and long-sleeve styles and in up to 39 (thirty-nine) different colors. You can customize both men’s and women’s shirts, tees, polos and jackets with your logo or text, ensuring a smart, brand from warehouse to boardroom. Complete your company branding by ordering customized
Port Authority bags and