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Eddie Bauer Custom Apparel ( Items)

Wholesale Eddie Bauer Outdoor Gear

Changes in the weather can sneak up on you before you know it. Eddie Bauer custom logo embroidered apparel is the perfect solution. Whether you’re looking for a new fleece zip-up or a parka for winter, a custom logo will be the perfect way to customize your outerwear to fit your unique needs. Originally founded in Seattle, Eddie Bauer has been a top-seller in the American clothing market for over one hundred years. Eddie Bauer began as a small outdoor store before expanding into the trademark clothing brand we know today. From durable winter jackets to sturdy new pairs of hiking boots, Eddie Bauer has been a staple in the wardrobe of nature lovers everywhere. When it comes to shopping, it can be important to compare and contrast brands to make sure you’re finding top-quality clothing at a reasonable price. Eddie Bauer is specifically dedicated to outdoor clothing. Eddie Bauer also tends to be more budget-friendly while offering a great product. Our selection of Eddie Bauer apparel can be embroidered with your company or event logo. Mix and match your styles to take advantage of quantity discounts. See what your custom Eddie Bauer gear will look like with easy logo upload, and create a look for your team that showcases your brand, front, and center. Simply find the product you'd like, upload your logo and we take care of the rest. Our Eddie Bauer embroidery process is simple. Start off by choosing your favorite Eddie Bauer product and upload the logo of your choice. We’ll take it from there! You can expect your custom clothing to be shipped within twelve days of your order date. Sit back, relax, and wait for your new apparel to arrive at your doorstep. No matter the season, there’s always a reason to pick up a new clothing item. Maybe you’ve been needing to replace an old fleece or your current raincoat just isn’t keeping up with the storms. Eddie Bauer apparel is designed to last. Now, with your custom logo, you can outfit your team or event attendees with great quality clothing without sacrificing consistency.

Sold only with customization
Sold only with customization
Sold only with customization
Sold only with customization
Sold only with customization
Sold only with customization
Sold only with customization
$55.00$50.10 Eddie Bauer
10% OFF  
Colors Colors: 3
Sold only with customization
$55.00$50.10 Eddie Bauer
10% OFF  
Colors Colors: 2
Sold only with customization
Sold only with customization
Sold only with customization
Sold only with customization
Sold only with customization
Sold only with customization
$85.98$77.98 Eddie Bauer
10% OFF  
Colors Colors: 5
Sold only with customization
$85.98$77.98 Eddie Bauer
10% OFF  
Colors Colors: 5
Sold only with customization
Sold only with customization
$122.00$110.40 Eddie Bauer
10% OFF  
Colors Colors: 4
Sold only with customization
$122.00$110.40 Eddie Bauer
10% OFF  
Colors Colors: 4
Sold only with customization
Sold only with customization
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Brand ReviewsWrite a Review
Custom Embroidered Eddie Bauer EB254 Men Sweater Fleece 1/4-Zip
Posted:1/12/2025 11:41:10 AM
Reviewer:James Monore

Bought this sweater for casual and now I use it for formal occasions too, works well with blazers and coats. The color variants are also pretty mature and attractive.

Custom Embroidered Eddie Bauer EB606 Long Sleeve Fishing Shirt
Posted:10/17/2024 6:40:51 AM
Reviewer:Elen Smith

Great shirt for fishing or outdoor activities! Will order more

Custom Embroidered Eddie Bauer EB254 Men Sweater Fleece 1/4-Zip
Posted:10/9/2024 12:00:00 AM
Reviewer:Derek kol