Cotopaxi ( Items)

Cotopaxi is an outdoor gear company that was launched in 2014 by Davis Smith. The brand's tag
line, Gear for Good speaks clearly for itself. Consideration of the environment and social sustainability is at
the forefront of the brand's process. Cotopaxi was named after one of the world's highest and active volcanoes
settled on a mountain in Ecuador, which is sacred to native Quechuans. It’s no surprise that Davis appointed
Cotopaxi as the name for the brand as it’s been a constant in his life, growing up in its shadow.Their mission
is to create durable gear in the most ethically sustainable way possible, whilst spreading their influence to
further develop and uplift communities. Cotopaxi strives to work with factories that align with their views on
social sustainability. It is a crucial element of their social ethics to ensure the workers are treated fairly
and equally. Cotopaxi use their best efforts to fight poverty. They tie their earnings to impact by allocating
1% of their annual revenues to the Cotopaxi foundation. Social sustainability is a huge importance, but ethical
manufacturing is just as important. Each piece of material that is sourced for the production is ethically sourced.